• Email Address: info@alwaadfound.org
  • Phone number: + 967 770743253
Patience increased to skip the difficult

In the story of a young man who was practicing his life normally and due to the economic conditions, lack of living, and the interruption of his work, he became without work and could not find anything to fill in until his children starved.

Life is narrowed and hard for him, and his children are starving in front of him and his hand is unable to satisfy them

The young man began to suffer from a bad psychological condition

Hence humanity had to intervene

  The promise touched this young man's condition and gave him the ice cream cart

And the young man began to go out to work with this vehicle and his life changed completely and this young man began to pay the rent with what he earned from

  An ice cream cart and filling some of his family's needs, albeit with a little.

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