• Email Address: info@alwaadfound.org
  • Phone number: + 967 770743253
No matter how hard the circumstances, the good is still alive

One night, the news of the death of a man who was suffering from blood cancer came and the news of his death came to his family, which consisted of his wife and 9 children, four of whom were at the age of flowers.

And they did not realize that the caring hand and the warm embrace had left them

Hence, the goodness had a title, so the promise had its role in embracing this family and drawing a smile on the face of this family's orphans and spreading the spirit of hope in their lives again

The promise was the hidden hand to them in times of distress, and it provided them with financial and relief aid

As one of the stories that emerged was the story of any child that her father left when she was five years old, his child, who did not know anything about the harsh conditions.

Aya grew up and entered the school, and the promise played a role in entering the school and following up on her educational achievement

She excelled and was one of the first in its ranks

Until I was in the ninth grade

She participated in arts and cultural competitions that qualified her to be the best at the school level, as she won free scholarships

And reservation from the Holy Quran has 17 penalties

She is good at drawing, reciting - chanting - acting and others, and we hope for her a future full of excellence and success.

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