• Email Address: info@alwaadfound.org
  • Phone number: + 967 770743253

Who we are

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Instilling a culture of citizenship and the value of coexistence

Patriotism is not a slogan that we raise without implementation, nor a cloth that we salute in the early morning without fulfillment, but sincere feelings that require very noble practices.

Promote a culture of self-sufficiency

The project aims to transform the beneficiary families into productive families that support society and contribute to the cycle of economic activity

Relief and direct aid

Al-Waad Foundation works to implement many relief projects

Work to integrate orphans and develop their capabilities

We are working on developing the orphan's capabilities and integrating him to become an active member in his community

Know About Us

We help you to grow business with More than 25 years experience with these services.

Our Mission

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Our Vission

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Our Acchivement

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